Complete List of Works

1220 entries « 3 of 61 »

Bogaerts, Bart; Bontempi, Gianluca; Geurts, Pierre; Harley, Nicolas; Lebichot, Bertrand; Lenaerts, Tom; Louppe, Gilles

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: 31st Benelux AI Conference, BNAIC 2019, and 28th Belgian-Dutch Machine Learning Conference, BENELEARN 2019, Brussels, Belgium, November 6-8, 2019, Revised Selected Papers Book

2021, (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-65154-1).

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Bontempi, Gianluca

Statistical foundations of machine learning Book

2021, (Language of publication: en).

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Buroni, Giovanni; Bontempi, Gianluca; Determe, Karl

A tutorial on network-wide multi-horizon traffic forecasting with deep learning Journal Article

In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2841, 2021, (Language of publication: en).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Bontempi, Gianluca; Chavarriaga, Ricardo; eD Canck, Hans; Girardi, Emanuela; Hoos, Holger H; Kilbane-Dawe, Iarla; Ball, Tonio; Nowe, Ann; Sousa, Jose; Bacciu, Davide; Aldinucci, Marco; eD Domenico, Manlio; Saffiotti, Alessandro; Maratea, Marco

The CLAIRE COVID-19 initiative: approach, experiences and recommendations Journal Article

In: Ethics and information technology, 2021, (DOI: 10.1007/s10676-020-09567-7).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Bontempi, Gianluca

Statistical foundations of machine learning Book

2021, (Language of publication: en).

Links | BibTeX


Guida, Sibilla Di; Han, The Anh T A H; Kirchsteiger, Georg; Lenaerts, Tom; Zisis, Ioannis

Repeated interaction and its impact on cooperation and surplus allocation---an experimental analysis Journal Article

In: Games, vol. 12, no. 1, 2021, (DOI: 10.3390/g12010025).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


P`ere, Nathaniel Vincent Mon; Lenaerts, Tom; d S dos Pacheco, Jorge Manuel Santos J M; Dingli, David

Multistage feedback-driven compartmental dynamics of hematopoiesis Journal Article

In: iScience, vol. 24, no. 4, 2021, (DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2021.102326).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Rivi`ere, Quentin; Xiao, Qiying; Gutsch, Annelie; Defrance, Matthieu; Webb, A A R; Verbruggen, Nathalie

Mg deficiency interacts with the circadian clock and phytochromes pathways in Arabidopsis Journal Article

In: Annals of Applied Biology, vol. 178, no. 2, pp. 387-399, 2021, (DOI: 10.1111/aab.12659).

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Ciortan, Madalina; Defrance, Matthieu

Contrastive self-supervised clustering of scRNA-seq data. Journal Article

In: BMC bioinformatics, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 280, 2021, (DOI: 10.1186/s12859-021-04210-8).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Papadimitriou, Sofia

Towards multivariant pathogenicity predictions: Using machine-learning to directly predict and explore disease-causing oligogenic variant combinations PhD Thesis

2020, (Funder: Universite Libre de Bruxelles).

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P`ere, Nathaniel Mon

Statistical biophysics of hematopoiesis and growing cell populations PhD Thesis

2020, (Funder: Universite Libre de Bruxelles).

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Abels, Axel; Lenaerts, Tom; Trianni, Vito; Nowe, Ann

Improving Collective Decision-Making Using Confidence and Value Estimate Miscellaneous

2020, (Conference: ACM Collective intelligence conference(8: 18/6/2020: Northeastern University, USA)).

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Abels, Axel; Lenaerts, Tom; Trianni, Vito; Nowe, Ann

Collective Decision-Making as a Contextual Multi-Armed Bandit Problem Miscellaneous

2020, (Conference: ACM Collective intelligence conference(8: 18/6/2020: Northeastern university, USA)).

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Han, The Anh T. A. H.; Pereira, Luis Moniz; Lenaerts, Tom; Santos, Francisco C

Mediating Artificial Intelligence Developments through Negative and Positive Incentives Miscellaneous

2020, (Conference: International Conference on Complex Systems(10: 27-31/72020: online)).

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Dillen, Arnau; Nachtegael, Charlotte; Renaux, Alexandre; Papadimitriou, Sofia; Versbraegen, Nassim; Petit, Robin; Smits, Guillaume; Lenaerts, Tom

OLIDA: a FAIR, Community-driven Oligogenic Diseases Database Miscellaneous

2020, (Conference: All hands ELIXIR conference(6: 8-10/6/2020: virtual)).

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Monterro-Porras, Eladio; Gallotti, Riccardo; Lenaerts, Tom; Grujić, Jelena

A quantitative analysis of the deliberation process of different age groups Miscellaneous

2020, (Conference: CITIZEN SOCIAL SCIENCE & COMPLEX SYSTEMS SCIENCE, Satellite workshop at the international Conference on Complex System(10: 9/12/2020: online)).

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Domingos, Elias Fernández; Gruji'c, Jelena; Burguillo, Juan Carlos; Kirchsteiger, Georg; Santos, Francisco C; Lenaerts, Tom

Timing Uncertainty Encourages Group Reciprocation and Polarisation in Collective Risk Dilemmas Miscellaneous

2020, (Conference: International Conference on Complex Systems(10: 27-31/7/2020: online)).

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Domingos, Elias Fernández; Terrucha, Ines; Grujić, Jelena; Suchon, Remi; Burguillo, Juan Carlos; Santos, Francisco C.; Lenaerts, Tom

Coordinating human and agents in a collective-risk dilemma. Miscellaneous

2020, (Conference: Workshop on Cooperative AI at the 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems.(34: 6-12/12/2020: online)).

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Monterro-Porras, Eladio; Gallotti, Riccardo; Lenaerts, Tom; Grujić, Jelena

Networks make us more cautious: using Drift Diffusion Model to measure the learning process in Prisoner's Dilemma on different network topologies. Miscellaneous

2020, (Conference: 9th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications(9: 1-3/12/2020: Madrid, Spain)).

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Han, The Anh T. A. H.; Santos, Francisco C; Pereira, Luís Moniz; Lenaerts, Tom

A Regulation Dilemma in Artificial Intelligence Development Miscellaneous

2020, (Conference: The Artificial Life Conference(19-23/7/2021: Prague, Czech Republic)).

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1220 entries « 3 of 61 »

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785 entries « 3 of 16 »


Pozzolo, Andrea Dal; Caelen, Olivier; Waterschoot, Serge; Bontempi, Gianluca

Racing for unbalanced methods selection Journal Article

In: Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 8206 LNCS, pp. 24-31, 2013, (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-41278-3_4).

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Jan, Serge Van Sint; Wermenbol, Vanessa; Bogaert, Patrick Van; Desloovere, Kaat; Degelaen, Marc; Dan, Bernard; Salvia, P; Bonnechere, Bruno; Leborgne, Yann-A"el; Bontempi, Gianluca; Vansummeren, Stijn; Sholukha, Victor; Moiseev, Fedor; Rooze, Marcel

Recherche intégrée relative `a l’appareil musculosquelettique : application `a la prise en charge clinique de l’infirmité motrice cérébrale (IMC) – le projet ICT4Rehab Journal Article

In: Médecine, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 529-536, 2013, (Language of publication: na).

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Jay, Nicolas De; Papillon-Cavanagh, Simon; Olsen, Catharina; El-Hachem, N.; Bontempi, Gianluca; Haibe-Kains, Benjamin

mRMRe: an R package for parallelized mRMR ensemble feature selection Journal Article

In: Bioinformatics, 2013, (DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btt383).

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Lerman, Liran; Medeiros, Stéphane Fernandes; Veshchikov, Nikita; Meuter, Cédric; Bontempi, Gianluca; Markowitch, Olivier

Semi-Supervised Template Attack Journal Article

In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7864, pp. 184-199, 2013, (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-40026-1_12).

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Jansen, Maarten

Noise reduction in an adaptive multiscale local polynomial decomposition Journal Article

In: European Signal Processing Conference, 2013, (Language of publication: en).

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Jansen, Maarten

Multiscale local polynomial smoothing in a lifted pyramid for non-equispaced data Journal Article

In: IEEE transactions on signal processing, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 545-555, 2013, (Language of publication: en).

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Deplus, Rachel; Delatte, Benjamin; Schwinn, Marie K; Defrance, Matthieu; Méndez, Jacqui; Murphy, Nancy; Dawson, Mark A; Volkmar, Michael; Putmans, Pascale; Calonne, Emilie; Shih, Alan H; Levine, Ross L; Bernard, Olivier; Mercher, Thomas; Solary, Eric; Urh, Marjeta; Daniels, Danette; Fuks, Franccois

TET2 and TET3 regulate GlcNAcylation and H3K4 methylation through OGT and SET1/COMPASS. Journal Article

In: EMBO journal, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 645-655, 2013, (DOI: 10.1038/emboj.2012.357).

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Olsen, Catharina; Bontempi, Gianluca; Quackenbush, John; Haibe-Kains, Benjamin

Data-driven validation of gene regulatory networks using knock-down data Miscellaneous

2013, (Conference: 8th Benelux Bioinformatics Conference (BBC13)).

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Olsen, Catharina; Bontempi, Gianluca; Quackenbush, John; Haibe-Kains, Benjamin

Data-driven validation of gene regulatory networks using knock-down data Miscellaneous

2013, (Conference: 8th Benelux Bioinformatics Conference (BBC13)).

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Trepo, Eric; Nahon, Pierre; Bontempi, Gianluca; Valenti, Luca; Falleti, Edmondo; Nischalke, Hans Dieter; Hamza, Samia; Corradini, Stefano Ginanni; Burza, Maria Antonella; Guyot, Erwan; Donati, Benedetta; Spengler, Ulrich; Hillon, Patrick; Toniutto, Pierluigi; Henrion, Jean; Mathurin, Philippe; Moreno, Christophe; Romeo, Stefano; Deltenre, Pierre

Association between the PNPLA3 (rs738409 C>G) variant and hepatocellular carcinoma: evidence from a meta-analysis of individual participant data Miscellaneous

2013, (Conference: The Liver Meeting, American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases(2013: Washington, USA)).

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Han, The Anh T A H; Pereira, Lu'is Moniz; Santos, F C; Lenaerts, Tom

Why is it so hard to say sorry: evolution of apology with commitment in the iterated Prisoner's Dilemma Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2013, (Language of publication: na).

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Olsen, Catharina

Causal inference and prior integration in bioinformatics using information theory PhD Thesis

2013, (Funder: Universite Libre de Bruxelles).

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Lerat, Jean-Sébastien; Han, The Anh T A H; Lenaerts, Tom

Evolution of Common-Pool Resources and Social Welfare in Structured Populations Proceedings Article

In: Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Twenty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 2848-2854, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, 2013, (Conference: (August 3-9 2013: Beijing)).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Olsen, Catharina; Haibe-Kains, Benjamin; Quackenbush, John; Bontempi, Gianluca

On the Integration of Prior Knowledge in the Inference of Regulatory Networks. Book Chapter

In: World Scientific, 2013, (Language of publication: fr).

Links | BibTeX

Olsen, Catharina

Causal inference and prior integration in bioinformatics using information theory PhD Thesis

2013, (Funder: Universite Libre de Bruxelles).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Olsen, Catharina; Haibe-Kains, Benjamin; Quackenbush, John; Bontempi, Gianluca

On the Integration of Prior Knowledge in the Inference of Regulatory Networks. Book Chapter

In: World Scientific, 2013, (Language of publication: fr).

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Haibe-Kains, Benjamin; Desmedt, Christine; Leo, Angelo Di; Azambuja, Evandro; Larsimont, Denis; Selleslags, Jean; Delaloge, Suzette; Duhem, Caroline; Kains, Jean-Pierre; Carly, Birgit; Maerevoet, Marie; Vindevoghel, Anita; Rouas, Ghizlane; coise Lallemand, Franc; Durbecq, Virginie; Cardoso, Fatima; Salgado, Roberto; Rovere, Rodrigo Kraft; Bontempi, Gianluca; Michiels, Stefan; Buyse, Marc; Nogaret, Jean-Marie; Qi, Yuan; Symmans, William Fraser; Pusztai, Lajos; D'Hondt, Veronique; Piccart-Gebhart, Martine; Sotiriou, Christos

Genome-wide gene expression profiling to predict resistance to anthracyclines in breast cancer patients Journal Article

In: Genomics Data, vol. 1, pp. 7-10, 2013, (DOI: 10.1016/j.gdata.2013.09.001).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Bonnechere, Bruno; Wermenbol, Vanessa; Dan, Bernard; Salvia, Patrick; Borgne, Yann-A"el Le; Bontempi, Gianluca; Vansummeren, Stijn; Sholukha, Victor; Moiseev, Fedor; Jansen, Bart; Rooze, Marcel; Jan, Serge Van Sint

Management and interpretation of medical data related to cerebral pasly: the ICT4 Rehab project Journal Article

In: European journal of paediatric neurology, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 32, 2013, (Language of publication: na).

Links | BibTeX

Papillon-Cavanagh, Simon; Jay, Nicolas De; Hachem, Nehme; Olsen, Catharina; Bontempi, Gianluca; Aerts, Hugo J W L; Quackenbush, John; Haibe-Kains, Benjamin

Comparison and validation of genomic predictors for anticancer drug sensitivity. Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 597-602, 2013, (DOI: 10.1136/amiajnl-2012-001442).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Lerman, Liran; Medeiros, Stéphane Fernandes; Veshchikov, Nikita; Meuter, Cédric; Bontempi, Gianluca; Markowitch, Olivier

Semi-Supervised Template Attack Journal Article

In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7864, pp. 184-199, 2013, (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-40026-1_12).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Jay, Nicolas De; Papillon-Cavanagh, Simon; Olsen, Catharina; El-Hachem, N; Bontempi, Gianluca; Haibe-Kains, Benjamin

mRMRe: an R package for parallelized mRMR ensemble feature selection Journal Article

In: Bioinformatics, 2013, (DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btt383).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Bontempi, Gianluca; Taieb, Souhaib Ben; Borgne, Yann-A"el Le

Machine learning strategies for time series forecasting Journal Article

In: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol. 138 LNBIP, pp. 62-77, 2013, (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-36318-4_3).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Lopes, Miguel; Bontempi, Gianluca

Experimental assessment of static and dynamic algorithms for gene regulation inference from time series expression data Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Genetics, vol. 4, no. DEC, 2013, (DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2013.00303).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Pozzolo, Andrea Dal; Caelen, Olivier; Waterschoot, Serge; Bontempi, Gianluca

Racing for unbalanced methods selection Journal Article

In: Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 8206 LNCS, pp. 24-31, 2013, (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-41278-3_4).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Lerman, Liran; Markowitch, Olivier; Bontempi, Gianluca; Taieb, Souhaib Ben

A time series approach for profiling attack Journal Article

In: Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 8204, pp. 75-94, 2013, (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-41224-0_7).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Jan, Serge Van Sint; Wermenbol, Vanessa; Bogaert, Patrick Van; Desloovere, Kaat; Degelaen, Marc; Dan, Bernard; Salvia, P; Bonnechere, Bruno; Leborgne, Yann-A"el; Bontempi, Gianluca; Vansummeren, Stijn; Sholukha, Victor; Moiseev, Fedor; Rooze, Marcel

Recherche intégrée relative `a l'appareil musculosquelettique : application `a la prise en charge clinique de l'infirmité motrice cérébrale (IMC) -- le projet ICT4Rehab Journal Article

In: Médecine, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 529-536, 2013, (Language of publication: na).

Links | BibTeX

Deplus, Rachel; Delatte, Benjamin; Schwinn, Marie K; Defrance, Matthieu; Méndez, Jacqui; Murphy, Nancy; Dawson, Mark A; Volkmar, Michael; Putmans, Pascale; Calonne, Emilie; Shih, Alan H; Levine, Ross L; Bernard, Olivier; Mercher, Thomas; Solary, Eric; Urh, Marjeta; Daniels, Danette; cois Fuks, Franc

TET2 and TET3 regulate GlcNAcylation and H3K4 methylation through OGT and SET1/COMPASS. Journal Article

In: EMBO journal, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 645-655, 2013, (DOI: 10.1038/emboj.2012.357).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Olsen, Catharina; Bontempi, Gianluca; Quackenbush, John; Haibe-Kains, Benjamin

Data-driven validation of gene regulatory networks using knock-down data Miscellaneous

2013, (Conference: 8th Benelux Bioinformatics Conference (BBC13)).

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Jansen, Maarten

Information criteria for use under sparsity Miscellaneous

2013, (Conference: Seminar Universität Wien).

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Gagliolo, Matteo; Lenaerts, Tom; Jacobs, Dirk

A comparative analysis of the dynamics of interlocking directorates among immigrant organizations Miscellaneous

2013, (Conference: Belgian Social and Economic Network Research Meeting (BSEN) (3: 2013-10-03: Leuven)).

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Gagliolo, Matteo; Lenaerts, Tom; Jacobs, Dirk

A comparative analysis of the dynamics of interlock networks immigrant organizations Miscellaneous

2013, (Conference: ECPR General Conference (7: 2013-09-07: Bordeaux, France)).

Links | BibTeX

Lerat, Jean-Sébastien; Han, The Anh T. A. H.; Lenaerts, Tom

Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Twenty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Miscellaneous

2013, (Conference: IJCAI (23: 3-7/08/2013: Beijing)).

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Jansen, Maarten

Sparse Variable Selection in High-Dimensional Data with and without Shrinkage Miscellaneous

2013, (Conference: European Meeting of Statisticians (July 2013: Budapest)).

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Jansen, Maarten

Information criteria for high-dimensional variable selection without shrinkage Miscellaneous

2013, (Conference: ATMS Workshop on Model Selection, Nonparametrics and Dependence Modeling (July 2013: Rennes, France)).

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Gagliolo, Matteo; Lenaerts, Tom; Jacobs, Dirk

A comparative analysis of the dynamics of interlocks among immigrant organizations Miscellaneous

2013, (Conference: Sunbelt, Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) (XXXIII: 2013-05-23: Hamburg, Germany)).

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Han, The Anh T A H; Pereira, Lu'is Marcelo; Santos, Francisco C; Lenaerts, Tom

Why is it so hard to say sorry? Journal Article

In: BNAIC, pp. 322-323, 2013, (Language of publication: en).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Cilia, Elisa; Pancsa, Rita; Tompa, Peter; Lenaerts, Tom; Vranken, Wim F

DynaMine: Sequence-based Protein Backbone Dynamics and Disorder Prediction Miscellaneous

2013, (Conference: 21st Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology and the 12th European Conference on Computational Biology(19-23 july 2013: Berlin, Germany)).

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Cilia, Elisa; Pancsa, Rita; Tompa, Peter; Lenaerts, Tom; Vranken, Wim

DynaMine: From protein sequence to dynamics and disorder Miscellaneous

2013, (Conference: 8th Benelux Bioinformatics Conference(9-10 December 2013: Brussels, belgium)).

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Desmedt, Christine; Nik-Zainal, Serena; Fumagalli, Debora; Rothé, Franccoise; Singhal, Sandeep; Majjaj, Samira; Brown, David Norman; Dedeurwaerder, Sarah; Defrance, Matthieu; Maetens, Marion M.; Adnet, Pierre-Yves

Characterization of different foci of multifocal breast cancer using genomic, transcriptomic and epigenomic data Miscellaneous

2012, (Conference: San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium - SABCS(35th: December 2012: San Antonio, Tx, USA)).

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Cilia, Elisa; Vuister, Geerten W; Lenaerts, Tom

Accurate prediction of peptide-induced dynamical changes within the second PDZ domain of PTP1e Miscellaneous

2012, (Conference: Benelux Bioinformatics Conference (BBC 2012) (December 10-11, 2012: Nijmegen, The Netherlands)).

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Cilia, Elisa; Vuister, Geerten W; Lenaerts, Tom

Prediction of peptide-induced dynamical changes within the second PDZ domain of PTP1e Miscellaneous

2012, (Conference: Netherlands Society on Biomolecular Modelling (NSBM) Fall Meeting 2012 (November 26, 2012: Utrecht, The Netherlands)).

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Cilia, Elisa; Vuister, Geerten W; Lenaerts, Tom

Accurate prediction of peptide-induced dynamical changes within the second PDZ domain of PTP1e Miscellaneous

2012, (Conference: ISMB/ECCB 2013 (21st International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology / 12th European Conference on Computational Biology)(July 19-23, 2013: Berlin)).

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Jansen, Maarten

Penalties for variable selection under sparsity Miscellaneous

2012, (Conference: Invited talk, University of Lancaster).

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Gagliolo, Matteo; Lenaerts, Tom; Jacobs, Dirk

Network dynamics of social capital Miscellaneous

2012, (Conference: 2nd Belgian Social Network Research Event (2012-09-07: Antwerp, Belgium)).

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Jansen, Maarten

The construction of multiscale local polynomial decompositions Miscellaneous

2012, (Conference: Workshop on Recent Developments in Statistical Multiscale Methods , Göttingen, Germany).

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Segbroeck, Sven Van; Pacheco, Jorge J. M.; Lenaerts, Tom; Santos, Francisco C

Evolution of fairness and conditional cooperation in public goods dilemmas Miscellaneous

2012, (Conference: European Conference on Complex Systems(3-7 September 2012: Brussels, Belgium)).

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Cilia, Elisa; Vuister, Geerten W; Lenaerts, Tom

Prediction of Intra-protein communication pathways within the PDZ2 domain of PTP1e Miscellaneous

2012, (Conference: The International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology(20-21 September 2012: Varna, Bulgaria)).

Links | BibTeX

Cilia, Elisa; Vuister, Geerten W; Lenaerts, Tom

Accurate prediction of peptide-induced dynamical changes within the second PDZ domain of PTP1e. Miscellaneous

2012, (Conference: The Fall meeting of the Netherlands Society of Biomolecular Modeling: Dissecting and designing interactions(26 November 2012: Utrecht, the Netherlands)).

Links | BibTeX

Cilia, Elisa; Vuister, Geerten W; Lenaerts, Tom

Accurate prediction of peptide-induced dynamical changes within the second PDZ domain of PTP1e Miscellaneous

2012, (Conference: The Benelux Bioinformatics Conference.(10-11 December 2012: Nijmegen, the Netherlands)).

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Cilia, Elisa; Lenaerts, Tom

Betweenness measures on PDZ residue-contact networks are insufficient to predict their intra-domain communication. Miscellaneous

2012, (Conference: Benelux Bioinformatics Conference(10-11 December 2012: Nijmegen, the Netherlands)).

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785 entries « 3 of 16 »