
Journals and Conferences Publications

1069 entries « 19 of 22 »


Lenaerts, Tom; Bersini, Hugues

A synthon approach to artificial chemistry Miscellaneous

2005, (Conference: ACA workshop, 8th European Conference on Artificial Life).

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Lenaerts, Tom; Bersini, Hugues

On the generation and analysis of complex reaction networks in interstellar chemistry Miscellaneous

2005, (Conference: (Glasgow)).

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Bontempi, Gianluca; Soares, Ana Da Silva; Wulf, Martin De

Calcul formel et numérique Book

Presses universitaires de Bruxelles, 2005, (Language of publication: fr).

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Jansen, Maarten; Oonincx, Patrick

Second generation wavelets and applications Book

Springer, 2005, (Language of publication: fr).

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Bontempi, Gianluca; Soares, Ana Da Silva; Wulf, Martin De

Calcul formel et numérique Book

Presses universitaires de Bruxelles, 2005, (Language of publication: fr).

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Lenaerts, Tom; Chu, Dominique; Watson, Richard A; Bedau, Mark A.

Artificial Life: Special issue on dynamical hierarchies. 11 Book

2005, (Language of publication: fr).

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Lenaerts, Tom; Jansen, Bart; Tuyls, Karl; Vylder, Bart De

The evolutionary language game: An orthogonal approach Journal Article

In: Journal of theoretical biology, vol. 235, no. 4, pp. 566-582, 2005, (DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2005.02.009).

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Chu, Dominique; Lee, Hoong-Chien; Lenaerts, Tom

Evolution of DNA uptake signal sequences Journal Article

In: Artificial life, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 317-338, 2005, (DOI: 10.1162/1064546054407176).

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Bersini, Hugues; Lenaerts, Tom; den Broeck, Wouter Van

Is scale-free a realistic topology for evolving biochemical networks? Journal Article

In: AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 776, pp. 227-251, 2005, (DOI: 10.1063/1.1985391).

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Defaweux, Anne; Lenaerts, Tom; Hemert, Jano J.

Evolutionary transitions as a metaphor for evolutionary optimisation Journal Article

In: Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 3630 LNAI, pp. 342-352, 2005, (DOI: 10.1007/11553090_35).

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Lenaerts, Tom; Chu, Dominique; Watson, Alan

Dynamical Hierarchies Journal Article

In: Artificial life, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 403-405, 2005, (Language of publication: en).

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Defaweux, Anne; Lenaerts, Tom; Hemert, Jano J.; Parent, Johan

Transition models as an incremental approach for problem solving in evolutionary algorithms Journal Article

In: Lecture notes in computer science, pp. 599-606, 2005, (Language of publication: en).

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Defaweux, Anne; Lenaerts, Tom; Hemert, Jano J.; Parent, Johan

A study on the impact of the initial population in a transition based evolutionary algorithm Journal Article

In: Computer Society ..., pp. 196-203, 2005, (Language of publication: en).

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Bersini, Hugues; Lenaerts, Tom; Santos, Francisco C.

Growing biochemical networks: Identifying the intrinsic properties Journal Article

In: Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 3630 LNAI, pp. 864-873, 2005, (DOI: 10.1007/11553090_87).

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Chu, Dominique; Lee, H; Lenaerts, Tom

Emergence of uptake signals in bacterial DNA Journal Article

In: Artificial life, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 317-338, 2005, (Language of publication: en).

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Villacci, Domenico D.; Bontempi, Gianluca; Vaccaro, Alfredo A.; Birattari, Mauro

The role of learning methods in the dynamic assessment of power components loading capability Journal Article

In: IEEE transactions on industrial electronics, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 280-290, 2005, (DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2004.841072).

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Bontempi, Gianluca; Birattari, Mauro; Meyer, Patrick E.

Combining Lazy Learning, Racing and Subsampling for Effective Feature Selection Journal Article

In: Lecture notes in computer science, pp. 393-396, 2005, (Language of publication: en).

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Bontempi, Gianluca; Birattari, Mauro

From linearization to lazy learning: A survey of divide-and-conquer techniques for nonlinear control Journal Article

In: International journal of computational cognition, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 56-73, 2005, (Language of publication: en).

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Caelen, Olivier; Bontempi, Gianluca

How to allocate a restricted budget of leave-one-out assessments for effective model selection in machine learning: A comparison of state-of-art techniques Journal Article

In: BNAIC, pp. 51-58, 2005, (Language of publication: en).

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Meyer, Patrick E.; Caelen, Olivier; Bontempi, Gianluca

Speeding up feature selection by using an information theoretic bound Journal Article

In: BNAIC, pp. 166-173, 2005, (Language of publication: en).

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Wynn, H.; Figarella, T.; Bucchianico, A. Di; Jansen, Maarten; Bergsma, W.

End of Life Analysis Journal Article

In: Series on Quality, Reliability and Engineering Statistics, vol. 10, pp. 73-86, 2005, (Language of publication: en).

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Jansen, Maarten; Baraniuk, R.; Lavu, S.

Multiscale Approximation of Piecewise Smooth Two-Dimensional Functions using Normal Triangulated Meshes Journal Article

In: Applied and computational harmonic analysis, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 92-130, 2005, (Language of publication: en).

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Bontempi, Gianluca; Vaccaro, Alfredo A; Villacci, Domenico D

Power cables' thermal protection by interval simulation of imprecise dynamical systems Journal Article

In: IEE Proceedings: Generation, Transmission and Distribution, vol. 151, no. 6, pp. 673-680, 2004, (DOI: 10.1049/ip-gtd:20040826).

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Bontempi, Gianluca; Vaccaro, Alfredo A; Villacci, Domenico D

Semiphysical modelling architecture for dynamic assessment of power components loading capability Journal Article

In: IEE Proceedings: Generation, Transmission and Distribution, vol. 151, no. 4, pp. 533-542, 2004, (DOI: 10.1049/ip-gtd:20040537).

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Bontempi, Gianluca; Kruijtzer, Wido

The use of intelligent data analysis techniques for system-level design: A software estimation example Journal Article

In: Soft Computing, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 477-490, 2004, (DOI: 10.1007/s00500-003-0306-y).

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Tuyls, Karl; Nowe, Ann; Lenaerts, Tom; Manderick, Bernard

An evolutionary game theoretic perspective on learning in multi-agent systems Journal Article

In: Synthese, vol. 139, no. 2, pp. 297-330, 2004, (Language of publication: en).

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Philippe, Pierre; Sol'is, David Weiss; Lenaerts, Tom; Bersini, Hugues

Towards the Simulation of Reaction Networks in Astrochemistry Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Artificial Life, pp. 472, 2004, (Language of publication: en).

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Remortel, Piet Van; Manderick, Bernard; Lenaerts, Tom

Gene interaction and modularisation in a model for gene-regulated development Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the NASA/DOD conference on Evolvable Hardware, pp. 253-260, 2004, (Language of publication: en).

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Philippe, Pierre; Sol'is, David Weiss; Lenaerts, Tom; Bersini, Hugues

Towards the Simulation of Reaction Networks in Astrochemistry Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Artificial Life, pp. 472, 2004, (Language of publication: en).

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Remortel, Piet Van; Manderick, Bernard; Lenaerts, Tom

Gene interaction and modularisation in a model for gene-regulated development Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the NASA/DOD conference on Evolvable Hardware, pp. 253-260, 2004, (Language of publication: en).

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Bontempi, Gianluca; Vaccaro, Alfredo A.; Villacci, Domenico D.

Power cables' thermal protection by interval simulation of imprecise dynamical systems Journal Article

In: IEE Proceedings: Generation, Transmission and Distribution, vol. 151, no. 6, pp. 673-680, 2004, (DOI: 10.1049/ip-gtd:20040826).

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Bontempi, Gianluca; Vaccaro, Alfredo A.; Villacci, Domenico D.

Semiphysical modelling architecture for dynamic assessment of power components loading capability Journal Article

In: IEE Proceedings: Generation, Transmission and Distribution, vol. 151, no. 4, pp. 533-542, 2004, (DOI: 10.1049/ip-gtd:20040537).

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Tuyls, Karl; Nowe, Ann; Lenaerts, Tom; Manderick, Bernard

An evolutionary game theoretic perspective on learning in multi-agent systems Journal Article

In: Synthese, vol. 139, no. 2, pp. 297-330, 2004, (Language of publication: en).

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Bontempi, Gianluca; Kruijtzer, Wido

The use of intelligent data analysis techniques for system-level design: A software estimation example Journal Article

In: Soft Computing, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 477-490, 2004, (DOI: 10.1007/s00500-003-0306-y).

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Bucchianico, A. Di; Figarella, T.; Hulsken, G.; Jansen, Maarten; Wynn, H.

A Multi-scale Approach to Functional Signature Analysis for Product End-of-Life Management Journal Article

In: Quality Reliability Engineering International, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 457-467, 2004, (Language of publication: en).

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Lenaerts, Tom; Defaweux, Anne; Remortel, Piet Van; Manderick, Bernard

Modelling artificial multi-level selection Proceedings Article

In: Lipson, Hod; Antonsson, Erik; Koza, John R. (Ed.): AAAI Symposium proceedings: Computational synthesis: From basic building blocks to high level functionality, AAAI, 2003, (Conference: (Stanford)).

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Tuyls, Karl; Verbeeck, Katja; Lenaerts, Tom

A selection-mutation model for q-learning in multi-agent systems Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the second international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems, pp. 693-700, 2003, (Language of publication: en).

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Lenaerts, Tom; Defaweux, Anne; Remortel, Piet Van; Reumers, Joke; Manderick, Bernard

Multi-level selection and immune networks: preliminary discussion of an abstract model Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Artificial Life, pp. 223-226, MIT press, 2003, (Language of publication: en).

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Lenaerts, Tom

Analysis and simulation of the dynamics of intrademic multilevel selection Miscellaneous

2003, (Conference: (KU Leuven)).

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Lenaerts, Tom; Defaweux, Anne; Remortel, Piet Van; Manderick, Bernard

Modelling artificial multi-level selection Proceedings Article

In: Lipson, Hod; Antonsson, Erik; Koza, John R (Ed.): AAAI Symposium proceedings: Computational synthesis: From basic building blocks to high level functionality, AAAI, 2003, (Conference: (Stanford)).

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Tuyls, Karl; Verbeeck, Katja; Lenaerts, Tom

A selection-mutation model for q-learning in multi-agent systems Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the second international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems, pp. 693-700, 2003, (Language of publication: en).

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Lenaerts, Tom; Defaweux, Anne; Remortel, Piet Van; Reumers, Joke; Manderick, Bernard

Multi-level selection and immune networks: preliminary discussion of an abstract model Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Artificial Life, pp. 223-226, MIT press, 2003, (Language of publication: en).

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Bontempi, Gianluca; Lafruit, G

Enabling multimedia QoS control with black-box modeling Journal Article

In: Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 2311, pp. 46-59, 2002, (Language of publication: en).

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Bertolissi, Edy; Birattari, Mauro; Bontempi, Gianluca; Duchateau, Antoine; Bersini, Hugues

Data-driven techniques for direct adaptive control: The lazy and the fuzzy approaches Journal Article

In: Fuzzy sets and systems, vol. 128, no. 1, pp. 3-14, 2002, (DOI: 10.1016/S0165-0114(01)00179-8).

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Bontempi, Gianluca; Krujtzer, W

A Data Analysis Technique for Software Performance Prediction Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of Design, Automation and Test in Europe: DATE 2002, pp. 971-976, 2002, (Language of publication: en).

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Bontempi, Gianluca; Lafruit, Gauthier

Enabling multimedia QoS control with black-box modeling Proceedings Article

In: Soft-Ware 2002: EUNITE Workshop Computational Intelligence in Telecommunications and Multimedia, pp. 46-59, 2002, (Language of publication: en).

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Lenaerts, Tom; Defaweux, Anne; Remortel, P; Manderick, Bernard

An Individual-based Approach To Multi-level Selection. Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pp. 136, Morgan-Kaufman, 2002, (Language of publication: en).

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Gross, Dominique; Lenaerts, Tom

Towards a definition of dynamical hierarchies Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the Alife VIII workshop, pp. 45, 2002, (Language of publication: en).

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Verbeeck, Katja; Nowe, Ann; Lenaerts, Tom; Parent, Johan

Learning to reach the Pareto optimal Nash equilibrium as a team Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the 15th Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 407-418, Springer, 2002, (Language of publication: en).

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Lenaerts, Tom; Defaweux, Anne; Remortel, Piet Van; Manderick, Bernard

Evaluation of boundary effects in monomer-dimer mixtures by the method of lattice constants. II. Extension to the simple cubic lattice and general discussion Miscellaneous

2002, (Conference: Late breaking papers of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (july 2002: New York)).

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1069 entries « 19 of 22 »