TCGAbiolinks: An R package to query, download, analyze, visualize, integrate and socialize data from TCGA (development version available from Bioconductor)
D2C: Predicting Causal Direction from Dependency Features (available from CRAN)
unbalanced: R package for learning with unbalanced datasets (available from CRAN)
mRMRe: R package for parallelized mRMR ensemble feature selection (available from CRAN)
predictionet: Inference for predictive networks designed for (but not limited to) genomic data (available from Bioconductor)
sideChannelAttack: Side Channel Attack (available from CRAN)
lazy: Lazy Learning for Local Regression (available from CRAN)
minet: Mutual Information Network Inference (available from CRAN and Bioconductor)
survcomp: Performance Assessment and Comparison for Survival Analysis (available from CRAN )
genefu: Relevant Functions for Gene Expression Analysis, Especially in Breast Cancer (available from CRAN)
OpenTed: Insights into European Public Spending
Digest: Distributed Gene & variant Scoring Tool
DIDA: DIgenic diseases DAtabase
LyricsExplorer: A web interface for exploring the lexical fields in English and French songs
ICT4Rehab: Data mining tools for gait analysis in cerebral palsy
Sentiment analysis: Interactive visualisation of user’s sentiments on the European Parliament Facebook page