The Laser Learning Environment (LLE) is a cooperative Multi-Agent (MA) environment that has shown to be a challenging task due to its unique combination of properties [1,2]. At the MLG, we have shown that agents were unable to accurately estimate the value of key states due to State Space Bottlenecks (SSB) [3] and identified this misestimation as the cause of the poor performance of state-of-the-art mixing networks [4,5,6]. Under the observation that SSBs are subgoals of the environment, we have also shown that subgoal-oriented methods failed at solving the collaborative task [3].Under these observations, one of the areas of improvement is Curriculum Learning (CL), which generally consists in training agent on problems of increasing difficulty. A particular kind of curriculum learning is Unsupervised Environment Design (UED) [7], a kind of adversarial method where a meta-agent generates more and more difficult yet feasible tasks.The objective of this master thesis is to investigate existing methods of CL and to assess the ability of such methods learn better policies. A particular kind of CL that is expected to be tested is UED. As such, you are expected to develop a way for a meta-agent to incrementally design an LLE environment, which includes contributing to the official LLE repository (necessarily in Python and possibly in Rust). You are also expected to perform a series of experiments in order to draw conclusions on CL with regard to the generalization capabilities of agents in LLE.[1]”Laser Learning Environment: a new cooperative environment for coordination-critical tasks”,
[2] Laser Learning Environment Github repository,
[3] “Unrewarded subgoals, a persisting problem in cooperative multi-agent Markov decision processes”, the article is currently under review. The pre-print will be made available on demand.
[4] “Value-Decomposition Networks For Cooperative Multi-Agent Learning”,
[5] “QMIX: Monotonic Value Function Factorisation for Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning”,
[6] “QPLEX: Duplex Dueling Multi-Agent Q-learning”,
[7] “Emergent Complexity and Zero-shot Transfer via Unsupervised Environment Design”,
For years, we have observed what looks like collaborative behaviour in cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning, but the question of the reasons behind those behaviours remains unanswered.
Previous work on single-agent reinforcement learning distil policies in decision trees [1] to provide clearer explanations on the intents of the agents.
Other methods learn a structural causal model of the environment during the reinforcement learning phase [2] and encode causal relationships between variables of interest. A third approach to explainable single-agent RL is to decompose the reward signal into multiple signals corresponding to different events of the game [6].
[3] provides a good overview of the state of the art techniques used in explainable RL. Simultaneously, methods such as Principle Component Analysis [4] and t-SNE [5] from other areas of Machine Learning might turn out helpful to explain the reasons behind the behaviour of the value function.The objective of this master thesis is to determine the best suited methods to analyse the intents of agents when they exhibit a collaborative behaviour in the scope of multi-agent reinforcement learning. A first part of the work would be to evaluate those methods on single-agent scenarios before going to cooperative multi-agent one. The suggested environment for this work is the Laser Learning Environment (LLE) “Distilling Deep Reinforcement Learning Policies in Soft Decision Trees”, Youri Coppens et al., 2019.
2. “Explainable Reinforcement Learning Through a Causal Lens”, Prashan Madumal et al., 2019.
3. “Explainable Reinforcement Learning: A Survey”, Erika Puiutta and Eric MSP Veith, 2020.
4. “Principle Component Analysis”, Andrzej Maćkiewicz and Waldemar Ratajczak, 1993,
5. “Visualizing data using t-SNE”, Laurens van der Maaten, 2008,
6. “Explainable Reinforcement Learning via Reward Decomposition”, Zoe Juozapaitis et al., 2020,
This thesis will focus on the practical implementation of a Digital Twin integrated in the framework of Internet of Things to monitor the health of a plant, using various sensors as data collectors and a Raspberry Pi as a central device.
The student should be confident in Python/Linux, in working with hardware, and be proactive to discover new libraries (including GPIO, MQTT, and FLASK). The student should be interested in multidisciplinary applied research.
Reinforcement Learning often comes in two different flavours: model-based and model-free. Because the assumption of owning a perfect representation of the model is too strong in many cases, some reinforcement learning algorithms learn a model of the environment [1] and then use it to make predictions about their future without requiring to actually take steps in this environment, which might be costly.
Simultaneously, some single-agent exploration methods based on intrinsic curiosity [2] also build an internal model of the world and check how accurate it is [3] to compute the intrinsic reward added to the reward signal from the environment.
The suggested objective of this master thesis proposal is to investigate how model-based multi-agent reinforcement learning can leverage the internal model of the environment to improve exploration, and compare that to other model-free MARL algorithms [4]. The Laser Learning Environment (LLE) is the suggested environment for this topic
1. “Mastering Atari with Discrete World Models”, Danijar Hafner and Timothy Lillicrap and Mohammad Norouzi and Jimmy Ba, 2022,
2. “A Possibility for Implementing Curiosity and Boredom in Model-Building Neural Controllers”, Jurgen Schmidhuber. In From Animals to Animats, edited by Jean-Arcady Meyer, International Conference on Simulation Adaptive Behavior: From Animals to Animats., 222 27. The MIT Press, 1991.
3. “Curiosity-driven Exploration by Self-supervised Prediction”, Deepak Pathak et al., 2017.
4. “Episodic Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning with Curiosity-driven Exploration”, Lulu Zheng and Jiarui Chen, et al.
The selection of an optimal model from a broad spectrum of non-nested models can be driven by a criterium that balances a good prediction of the training set and complexity of the model, that is, the number of selected variables. Optimization over a number of variables, or even comparison of models with a given number of variables is a problem of combinatorial complexity, and thus not feasible in the context of high-dimensional data. Part of the problem can be well approximated by changing the number of selected variables in the criterium by the sum of absolute values of the estimators of these variables within the selected model. The counting measure is replaced by a sum of magnitudes, thus changing a combinatorial problem into convex, quadratic programming problem. This problem can be solved by a wide range of algorithms, including direct methods, such as least angle regression, or iterative methods, such as iterative thresholding or gradient projection. Moreover, for a fixed value of model complexity, the relaxed problem selects approximately the same model as the original combinatorial one. This is no longer the case when the model complexity is part of the optimization problem, but a correction for the divergence between the combinatorial and quadratic problem can be established. The thesis is about the application of the variable selection in sparse inverse problems, or in deblurring and denoising images, using gradient projection or iterative thresholding.
The thesis will focus on the design and implementation of machine learning methods for the classification of probability distributions to discover causal directionality from data.
The student should be an expert in R and Python programming, be registered in the MA module on computational intelligence, be proficient in Machine Learning and have a passion for interdisciplinary applied research.
Earthquake monitoring consists of a set of tasks to analyse seismic movements given a series of measurements. Those can be about determining tremors, foreseeing P and S waves’ arrival, retrieving initial conditions such as epicenter fault instant, and studying the propagation of the seismic waves. For those kinds of monitoring questions, you are asked to determine a method for finding the best placement of seismometers in a given field to minimize the prediction error. You will rely on existing seismogram datasets and on simulation libraries such as PyAWD.
The student should be an expert in Python programming, be registered in the MA module on computational intelligence, be proficient in Machine Learning and have a passion for interdisciplinary applied research.
The MA thesis will focus on studying, designing, and implementing statistical learning techniques to calibrate traffic models based on counting data (e.g. returned by sensors or cameras). The student should be particularly expert in Python programming and learn to use and program with the SUMO mobility simulator.
The student should be registered at the MA module on computational intelligence, and have a passion for interdisciplinary research. An internship on related topics is possible.
This MA thesis topic is proposed by Dr. O. Caelen, MLG scientific collaborator and SIRRIS senior researcher. All details here
The student should be registered at the MA module on computational intelligence, and have a passion for interdisciplinary research. An internship on related topics is possible.
Clustering analysis is routinely performed on omics data (data procuced by DNA, RNA sequencing) to explore, recognize or discover underlying cell identities. The high dimensionality of omics data and its significant sparsity accentuated by frequent dropout events, introducing false zero count observations, make the clustering analysis computationally challenging. The objective of this project is to study state of the art technique used to perform omics data clustering with an emphasis on techniques involving neural networks to perform an initial embedding of the data.
Contact: Matthieu Defrance (
High-throughput sequencing and genome-wide analyses have profoundly impacted the genetic diagnostic of rare diseases. Beside the classical genetic variants calling that target alterations of the DNA sequence itself, a new field of methods based on epigenetic (at the DNA level) or transcriptomic (at the RNA level) alterations has emerged. The objective of the project is to develop and evaluate supervised classification methods applied to rare diseases classification.
Reference: Erfan Aref-Eshghi et al. Evaluation of DNA Methylation Episignatures for Diagnosis and Phenotype Correlations in 42 Mendelian Neurodevelopmental Disorders. The American Journal of Human Genetics, Volume 106, Issue 3, 2020.
Contact: Matthieu Defrance (
Solving real world decision-making problems typically requires a careful trade-off between multiple, possibly conflicting, objectives. For example, essential concerns such as interpretability, fairness, and execution speed often conflict with the primary performance metric, such as classification accuracy. The objective of this project is to evaluate algorithms for decision-making under uncertainty (i.e., multi-armed bandits) in terms of these secondary objectives. If time permits, an extension into procedural fairness and interpretability in contextual bandits can be considered. As contextual bandits involve decisions made based on a set of features, it is crucial to ensure that these decisions are interpretable and made fairly with regards to a set of sensitive features (e.g., gender).
Patil, Vishakha, et al. “Achieving fairness in the stochastic multi-armed bandit problem.” Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 34. No. 04. 2020.
Turgay, Eralp, Doruk Oner, and Cem Tekin. “Multi-objective contextual bandit problem with similarity information.” International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. PMLR, 2018.
Lattimore, Tor, and Csaba Szepesvári. Bandit algorithms. Cambridge University Press, 2020.
You will examine how learning (and evolution) may find correlated equilibria, an extension of the notion of Nash equilibria in games. The references below will b examined for the thesis preparation and a state-of-the-art will be formulated. For the thesis a series of the suggested approaches will be implemented and tested on learning problems to see to what extend they are useful.
Aumann, R.J. (1987). Correlated equilibrium as an expression of Bayesian rationality. Econometrica, 1-18.
Milgrom, P., and Roberts, J. (1991). Adaptive and sophisticated learning in normal form games. Games and Economic Behavior 3, 82-100.
Foster, D.P., and Vohra, R.V. (1997). Calibrated learning and correlated equilibrium. Games and Economic Behavior 21, 40-55.
Hart, S., and Mas‐Colell, A. (2000). A simple adaptive procedure leading to correlated equilibrium. Econometrica 68, 1127-1150.
Cripps, M. (1991). Correlated equilibria and evolutionary stability. Journal of Economic Theory 55, 428-434.
Metzger, L.P. (2018). Evolution and correlated equilibrium. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 28, 333-346.
In this thesis we will explore the potential of associating drugs to diseases based on knowledge graphs (KG) and KG embeddings (KGE). Several studies have been proposed to perform drug-disease association, and those based on biomedical KG have shown potential. One drug repurposing case was published by Himmelstein et al. using a meta-path approach on the KG called. HetioNet, other exist. Your preparatory work for the thesis will in the first place identify all the most relevant contributions that have been made in this context. Based on this knowledge, we will then focus in the thesis on one or two approaches to see if the results in the scientific works can be confirmed. Finally we will examine whether these methods are useful for rare diseases and whether they can be used also in the context where more than one mutant plays a role in the disease. Some relevant publications are;
In this master thesis research we want to examine what the state-of-the-art is in machine learning and AI methods to discover and analyse epistatic interactions between variants and genes.
Epistasis is the phenomenon where different genetic loci contribute to a phenotype in a non-additive manner. It is the interaction between the loci or the genes that influence the phenotype in a way that cannot be derived simply from the individual effects that mutations have one each gene.
Your first work in is to make a document that provides the state-of-the-art of methods that are available to research epistatic effects. You provide a taxonomy based on the technology or data they use. You then determine a couple of methods and data sets to reimplement and analyse in your master thesis. The thesis thus will perform a comparison of a series of methods to examine epistatic interactions. You should draw conclusions on the current quality of results and what is missing to advance this field.
These are some starting points for the work;
In this master thesis research we want to investigate the relevance of structural protein knowledge for the information contained in the database for oligogenic diseases OLIDA.
before the creation of Alphafold, little (and often no) structural information was available for disease cases wherein more than one gene is involved. This was mostly because of an investigation bias due to experimental and disease-related reasons. Now that one can essentially predict any structure, it has become important to see how this data can help in disease understanding and potentially lead to better treatments.
In this thesis we will first collect all protein sequence and structural knowledge for all instances in OLIDA, considering also the confidence Alphafold has in the structure generated for the mutated regions. A comparison can then be made with other variants in the same structure that provide a monogenetic explanation (e.g. via systems like DisGeNet). Once a clear picture is obtained, and statistics have been shown. We would like to see how this information can be used for a next generation of predictive methods. In this thesis a small prototype will be developed to demonstrate such potential.
These are some references relevant for this work.
With the success of large language models and the clear association between natural language and protein/genetic language, activities have emerged that aim to improve pathogenicity prediction of variants using this technology. This master thesis topic aims to investigae the state-of-the-art of such methods and to see how they may help improving the methods that are being developed by our team.
These are some references relevant for this work.
Lin, W., Wells, J., Wang, Z., Orengo, C., & Martin, A. C. (2024). Enhancing missense variant pathogenicity prediction with protein language models using VariPred. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 8136.
Brandes, N., Goldman, G., Wang, C. H., Ye, C. J., & Ntranos, V. (2023). Genome-wide prediction of disease variant effects with a deep protein language model. Nature Genetics, 55(9), 1512-1522.
Molotkov, I., Mardis, E. R., & Artomov, M. (2024). Making sense of missense: challenges and opportunities in variant pathogenicity prediction. Disease Models & Mechanisms, 17(12).
Fan, X., Pan, H., Tian, A., Chung, W. K., & Shen, Y. (2023). SHINE: protein language model-based pathogenicity prediction for short inframe insertion and deletion variants. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 24(1), bbac584.
Zhan, H., & Zhang, Z. (2024). DYNA: Disease-Specific Language Model for Variant Pathogenicity. arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.00164.