
Axel Abels and Tom Lenaerts were, together with their collaborators, awarded with the Best Paper award at the International Computational Collective Intelligence (ICCCI) for the paper entitled "How expert confidence can improve collective decision-making in contextual multi-armed bandit problems. Below the abstract of the...

Title:    “Dealing with noisy phenotypes to build more robust predictors of drug response in cancer”By:    Dr. Benjamin Haibe-KainsWhen:    Tuesday 10th December, at 15.00Where:    Université libre de Bruxelles,    Campus de la Plaine (http://www.ulb.ac.be/campus/plaine/plan.html),    NO Building, 8th Floor, NO8.08, Rotule room (http://www.ulb.ac.be/campus/plaine/plan-NO.html),   ...