MLG Members

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Current project I’m involved in;

1. Analysis of oligogenic diseases using machine learning and other AI techniques (ARC, FEDER iCity, FRS-FNRS, Innoviris projects)

2. Understanding human behaviour in social dilemmas like the prisoners dilemma, public goods games and the collective risk dilemma (FuturICT, FNRS and FWO projects)

3. Evolutionary game theoretical modelling of behaviour (FuturICT, FNRS and FWO projects)

4. Human-AI trust and cooperation (FNRS and FWO projects)

Selected publications

My publications are available via :

Research gate,
Google scholar,
ULB Difusion,

General info


Tom Lenaerts




Co-head, Professor


Tom.Lenaerts at

Phone number

+32 2 650 60 04 or +32 650 59 43


I am Professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) where I head together with my colleague Gianluca Bontempi the Machine Learning group in the Department of Computer Science. I’m also a founding member of the Interuniversity Institute of Bioinformatics in Brussels (IB2), for which I was the director from 2017-2021.

I hold also research affiliations with the Center for Human-Compatible AI at the BAIR lab of  UC Berkeley, the Artificial intelligence lab of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and FARI, the AI for Common Good institute in Brussels.


I’m currently Chair/President of the Benelux Association for Artificial Intelligence (bnvki) and I’m currently acting as expert (observer) in the Global Partnership for AI (GPAI).


My research encompasses interdisciplinary topics ranging from AI, machine learning and behavioural informatics (evolution, network and group formation, emotions, anticipation, …) to computational biology and medicine (metastasis dynamics, protein bioinformatics, molecular communication, oligogenic diseases, medical text mining, …).


More CV related information can be also found via  ORCID  or Linkedin

General info

During the week you can find me in two different locations.  But it is always best to send an email for making an appointment.

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday : MLG, Campus La Plaine, Building O, room 2.O8.117
Wednesday and Friday : IB2, Campus La Plaine, Building C, room 2.C6.107



I’m currently involved in the following courses at the ULB:

INFO-F-106: Projet programmation (Bachelier Informatique)

INFO-F-311: Intelligence Artificielle (Bachelier Informatique)

INFO-F-409: Learning dynamics  (Computational Game Theory at the VUB) (Master Computer Science)

INFO-F-530: Computer science seminar (Master Computer Science)