Author: Tom Lenaerts

Axel Abels and Tom Lenaerts were, together with their collaborators, awarded with the Best Paper award at the International Computational Collective Intelligence (ICCCI) for the paper entitled "How expert confidence can improve collective decision-making in contextual multi-armed bandit problems. Below the abstract of the...

NESTA UK reporting on the behavioural experiments we performed in collaboration with the VUB AI lab and Francisco C. Santos team in INESC-ID in Lisbon. Want to know more? Follow this link to get information and download the full report We tested whether using AI improves co-operation...

This year's Benelux AI (BNAIC)and Machine Learning (Benelearn) conferences will be organised in Brussels. The conferences are hosted by the ULB Machine Learning Group and the AI lab of the VUB. More information can bound on the website ...

The Flemish news site VRT nieuws and the French news paper L'Echo are reporting on the excellent work of the oligogenic team. Congratulations! L'Echo: À Bruxelles, les maladies rares sont pistées grâce à l'intelligence artificielle VRT Nieuws : VUB en ULB ontwikkelen AI-methode om genetische...

We are looking for a PhD student for the FWO funded project DELICIOS. The research will be performed with the groups of Prof. Pieter Simoens (UG - IDlab), Prof. Jo Pierson (VUB – SMIT)  and Prof. Tom Lenaerts (VUB/ULB – AI lab/MLG).  This works builds...

Today a coalition of academic, public and private sector specialists launched the Belgian strategy for AI, originally called AI4Belgium. All information concerning the recommendations from this panel can be found on the coalition website. Summary of recommendations of the AI 4 Belgium Coalition: We have world-class...